Annie B’s Fund Drive, 2015


It has begun!  Now is the time to donate to the Annie B’s fund drive.  You can click on the above Annie B’s logo to donate online.  If you would rather send a check, make it out to

“Annie B’s/Chico Friends of the Butte County Library”.

Mail to:
North Valley Community Foundation
240 Main Street, Suite 260
Chico, CA 95928.

If you have shares of stock to donate, call the North Valley Community Fund finance office at 530.891.1150 ext. 25 for routing information.

We sent a letter to all CFOL members explaining the fund drive and including a donation envelope.  We hope you increase the value of your dontation by taking advantage of this opportunity to have the North Valley Community Fund and the Chico Community Fund match your donation with a contribution of their own.

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Filed under Current Events

Sad Sign of the Times

So yesterday I was in town and got a text message saying that the DVD I’d been anxiously awaiting was ready for pickup at the library. Yeah! I would go right over and pick it up–Not! Why? Because it was Monday, and the library was closed. Grrrrr. I did go pick it up on Tuesday and observed the “tsunami Tuesday” in effect as people swarmed the library and staff were hustling after the Monday closure. How can we get those hours back?

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Filed under Current Events

Libraries are for Vacations too!

I love using library resources when I’m planning a vacation or even while actually travelling. I was recently 2000 miles away from Chico but had run out of reading material. Easy-peasy: I went to the library’s website and downloaded a book to my IPhone! I almost always use library books to help plan trips. Just learned where some of the best hiking trails are in Sequoia and King’s Canyon Parks where I’ll be next week from “Fodor’s Southern California 2015.” The library has lots of travel DVD’s too. It’s Happy Trails…thanks to BFodorsutte County Library!

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Filed under Library Resources


Love Your Library

Marian Milling and Steve Ferchaud

We bought these puzzles because we thought they would be great gifts or vacation take-alongs.   They haven’t sold as well as we would have liked, probably because we volunteers aren’t the best sales people.  Here’s the information from our web pages.

Chico Friends have 500-piece jigsaw puzzles available for a $10 donation.  Created from a limited edition poster titled “Love Your Library” by local artist Steve Ferchaud, these puzzles are a fun format for the artwork from this locally and nationally known illustrator, designer and artist. Steve is in spirit and literally a friend of the Butte County Library, and he has volunteered his time and talent at many events. “Love Your Library” prints have been for sale at Chico Branch for several years. Since the print is colorful, lively, and appealing to all ages, it has been made into this new form. Need a gift for a child or adult–or simply a pleasant diversion? You can view a framed puzzle on display at the library and you can purchase copies there by asking at the front desk. Puzzles are also available at First Friday book sales and other Friends’ special events. The modest cost is $8 (2 for $15); all profits go to the Friends to purchase library materials and supply library needs.

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Filed under Fundraising